About Us

Gone are the days when people used to deal property matters on the basis of "mouth to mouth publicity" or nearby dealers. Globalization and fast lifestyle has encouraged the real estate industry to step in E-World. Now active partakers of real estate world are eagerly seeking the right options to establish themselves in E-Real Estate World. Gharfinder.comis a solution to all what bothers to people who all are dealing in properties or people who all are searching property. As one of the leading property portals, Gharfinder.com has tuned itself with pulse of real estate sector. Moving ahead with esteemed registered users and regularly visited by players of real estate industry, Gharfinder.comhas become the pivot for real-estate sector.

What is Gharfinder.com?

Gharfinder.com is an online real-estate service committed towards helping you make wise and profitable decisions regarding buying, selling, renting and leasing of properties in India and key global geographies.Gharfinder.com provides fresh approach to its users to search for properties to buy and/or rent and lists their properties for selling and/or leasing.

The team is committed to

Understand the needs and concerns of Individuals, Agents & Builders and provide them a common platform for realizing maximum benefits from real-estate Provide a superior real-estate experience by making it easier, faster, secure and more accurate to find buyers for your valuable property and sellers of the dream property you have been waiting for. Give its customers complete control through easy to use interfaces and features that can help them identify, filter and contact potential buyers and sellers of properties

Advantages of Gharfinder.com

  • An expert friend

    Gharfinder.com is an expert friend, who helps the user make wise property decisions. We strongly believe that once the users start using Gharfinder.comover a period of time, they will acknowledge it as a much better way to search for and advertise properties, not only in comparison to other online portals, but also when compared to the traditional print classifieds.

  • Easy to use

    Gharfinder.com has been designed keeping the user in mind. We do not overload the users with all the information that exists. We have incorporated advanced search functionalities, which help you find the information that you need in a much more accurate way and in the least possible time.

  • Visually appealing

    Gharfinder.com has been designed keeping the usability in mind. We have taken great pains to conduct usability studies and we strongly believe that Gharfinder.comwill appeal to the users of all ages, across geographies. We have incorporated a number of design elements that will surprise you, once you start using our services.

  • Mission

    Our mission is to touch the horizon where our capabilities may successfully meet with the requirements of our clients, that too with ultimate transparency and cost-effectiveness.

  • Vision

    To sow the seeds of par-excellence services with customer centric approach and reap the trust of worldwide clients.

Why advertise on Gharfinder.com

Gharfinder.com is the number one dedicated property portal. With a focus on joining property seekers with agents & brokers. we provide buyers & renters with a comprehensive property search alongside tools and information to help them make property related decisions.

We reach hundreds of thousands of visitors every month and can deliver a highly targeted audience ensuring that your messages are delivered to the right people. Our content gives you the opportunity to showcase your products and services to a target market that is looking specifically for what you have to offer. Gharfinder.com has a variety of packages and options to ensure your company is seen, and more importantly, contacted. Check out our Rate Card page for more information or call one of our Business Development Managers to see how we can add volume to your sales and marketing.

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